At idle…. 4/19/21

Biding Big Bertha’s return.

As the Redbuds bloom, and the days draw longer, I become more painfully aware that the RV is still at the dealership, undergoing repair work. Like with anything new, we are working out the ‘bugs’ and making sure that Bertha is ready for the next extended excursion.

I’ve heard that patience is a virtue. I totally lack such high-mindedness. I am ready to roll.

The devil finds work for idle hands.

— Henry David Thoreau

I’m trying to keep my hands and my mind busy. Lord knows I do not need to encourage the devil. He is ever present on my left shoulder. Restlessness defines me.

My husband and I have done tons of yardwork, including draining and cleaning the pond. Frog spawn is odious. Nothing like great gobs of gelatinous, mini-eyeballs running through your fingers. I am a guardian angel to future amphibians.

And still, we were sitting on our hands…

Retirement is an adjustment. We are both so accustomed to life’s frenetic pace that slowing down is strangely strenuous. We envisioned relaxation, volumes of good literature, leisurely strolls and outdoor adventure. What we got was excessive empty hours.

Covid-19 has interfered greatly with enjoyable outings or volunteering opportunities.

Since idle hands are the devil’s workshop, we had to find a way to make productive use of our time at home.

A puppy is the ultimate distraction. ~ Philip Rosental

Meet Gypsy, the newest member of our caravan. We now have a way to use ALL of our free time until we can get the traveling show on the road again.

A puppy will put almost anything in her mouth; shoes, mulch, rugs, drawer handles, furniture, mown grass, fly swatters, and leashes are favorites. She much prefers table legs to toys. I believe that it is entirely possible to say “no” and offer distractions 1,440 times per day.

We asked for it, and even with puppy teeth punctures, it is the best choice ever.

4 thoughts on “At idle…. 4/19/21

  1. I love your writing, I always encouraged you to write a book and I see you are on your way and it is fabulous. Your life, your take on the world is fun to understand but so reflective of so many of us at this stage of life. Thanks for sharing my friend. A puppy seems to be a great choice at some point, enjoy Gypsy as she is adorable. Many hugs, Maryrose


  2. Thank You, Lynn. I wish you could have been here to share in Kenley’s reaction to Gypsy. Big, big tears of utter surprise and joy kept washing down her face. Thanks for following along. Life is an adventure!


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